WOLF DAWN: Science Fiction Thriller/ Romance (Forsaken Worlds) Read online

Page 9

  Shifting slightly, he sat up. “Good Lord,” he exclaimed, dumbfounded. He had actually passed out during sex. That was a first.

  Sartha smiled. “Well,” she said, her smile broadened into a grin, “on Delian, we consider that to be as close to the Goddess as one can get — without actual death, of course.”

  Larren was filled with wonder. He pulled her into his embrace, reversing their positions so that he was holding her against his chest, cradling her to him, his cheek against her hair. He loved her fragrance and the feminine softness of her skin. His lips lifted in a wry smile. There was nothing like that on Darla Wu.

  They lay together for some minutes.

  “Sartha,” he eventually said. “I don’t feel you anymore.”

  “That’s correct. Without physical release we would still be joined in a two-way mental touch — quite an impractical state, as you can imagine. Mutual climax completes consummation and that is just as well. Extended sexual mind-touch is for youngsters. That much pleasure would probably kill us both.”

  “There would be no better way to go. Did you know that would happen?”

  “No. I could never have suspected that you would have the ability to mind-touch, Larren. Once we formed a two-way mind-touch our sexual union was unavoidable.”

  He hugged her. “I hope you didn’t mind.”

  She smiled. “I didn’t.”

  “But how could I …” He shook his head. “I’m not Delian.”

  Sartha shrugged. “Off-worlders are supposed to be mentally blind. You seem to be an exception.”

  “So that was mind-touch.” He pulled her closer.

  “It was a bit more than just mind-touch,” she replied with a snort.

  They both giggled and laughed together. Larren clearly remembered just what it had been. He was still awed.

  Sartha’s expression became serious. “Before consummation, we joined in mental and spiritual healing. I could hardly think clearly, I was buried in so much pain and despair. You have freed me from that, Larren. You have no idea of how grateful I am. You experienced my thoughts, my emotions and my grief, as I have experienced yours. I have been healed — as have you.

  Larren smiled back at her, filled with a tremendous sense of well being. Even the room seemed brighter, objects clear and distinct. She was right. He felt so alive. A thought struck him. “Have you done this kind of mind-touch with many others?” A strange sensation gripped him. He wasn’t used to feeling jealous and didn’t recognize the emotion.

  Sartha’s brows knit at the question. She studied his face and chuckled. “You are the third. I haven’t experienced as many and varied companions as some.” She looked at him knowingly.

  “Ouch,” Larren said, chagrined. “All right — so I have had a few.”

  Sartha just looked at him, with an eyebrow raised in query.

  Larren laughed. “Well, maybe more than a few. But none of them were anything like that, if it’s any consolation.” He hugged her. That experience. It nearly served to make him forget why he was here, even the fact that he was the Captain of a patrol vessel. He felt entirely at peace, probably for the first time in years.

  He explored his mood for some moments, curious as to what it was. He felt smug; that was it. This was another emotion he didn’t experience often, and the feeling gave him a languorous pleasure. Despite the inherent difficulties, he had been self disciplined enough to satisfy his curiosity. While women were different, sex was absolutely as good for them as it was for men.

  “Sartha,” he said, “I have leave coming.”

  She interrupted, putting a finger on his lips, “I know.”

  He grinned. “Of course you do. I’ll send a report telling your story, leaving out the Testimonials, the King’s Mirror, and Ash. Then I’ll go to Delian.”

  “But …”

  “No,” he interrupted. “I’m in the position to confirm what happened and to do something about it.” In a milder tone he added, “I’ll come to Kalar after that.”

  “I’m afraid for you.”

  “Don’t be,” he said, dismissing her concern. “I can take care of myself.”

  “You don’t understand. I think that someone in the United Worlds Government is responsible.”

  Larren stiffened. More and more she was reminding him of the woman in the Alliance. Linetta had said, “Don’t forget me,” and then she had taken her own life right in front of him. He asked casually, “What makes you think so?”

  “I know you find it hard to believe, but before we left Delian I mind-touched an off-worlder from the battleship Conqueror …”

  “Conqueror had something to do with this?” Larren interrupted. “She’s a Fleet vessel. How do you know it was her?”

  “Icom tracked her arrival.” She bit her lip. “My husband, Jarith, mind-touched Admiral Neopol Jones. I didn’t. But Jarith said that the man is filled with hate. He was hurt and betrayed as a child somehow … I don’t know the details. Behind his hate is fear. He is afraid. In truth he is quite mad. In his mind the only way he will feel safe is to either control or destroy everyone. He is well connected and dangerous. I’m afraid he’ll kill you.”

  “Sartha, I doubt if this man Neopol and I will even meet. He’ll never find out about you or Ash.”

  Sartha remained silent, worrying her lip.

  Larren stood up and began to dress. “Once I obtain proof of his actions, of Delian’s destruction, then all I need do is pass that confirmation on. After that, every patrol vessel in the known galaxy will be after him. He can’t fight us all. Don’t worry about me,” he said, buckling on his belt and holster and putting on his cap.

  Larren could see that she was still concerned. He reached over and kissed her lightly. “Don’t even think about it,” he said with boyish charm. “I’m not that easy to kill.”

  “I know. I’ve seen your scars.”

  Larren was amazed at the attraction that she held for him. Yes, she does remind me of Linetta, he decided. Somehow he knew that old nightmare of his would no longer haunt him, for he had finally discovered the truth. It was clear now why the incident with Linetta had been so disquieting, so lasting and painful. Now he understood the reason for that unforgettable vision’s persistence. In the few moments he had been with Linetta he had admired her wild and desperate beauty, as well as her courageous, unyielding spirit. Now he loved Sartha and their situations were similar. What had happened? Could the same person be responsible for the disasters to both Linetta’s homeworld and Sartha’s Delian?

  Sartha tilted her head with a considering look. “Yes, Linetta and I are similar, are we not? Alike in many ways.”

  Larren’s eyes widened. “Can you read my mind all the time?”

  “It was an educated guess,” Sartha laughed in reply. “I know about Linetta and I now know you well. That expression on your face. I just thought that might be what you were doing: comparing me with Linetta. You were so young then, Larren, so idealistic. In those few compressed moments in time when you confronted the real possibility of death at Linetta’s hands … well, you lived a lifetime in those moments. Every second was more acute with the shadow of death before you. You really saw Linetta in that instant of time — her beauty, her spirit, her passion and determination — and you fell in love with her. That old nightmare will not bother you now that you know the truth. Perhaps, from this moment on, will have pleasant dreams of me instead?”

  Larren snorted and Sartha giggled. He hugged her, and she hugged him back in complete accord. Unexpectedly Larren held her away from him. “What am I thinking now?”

  Sartha raised her eyebrows curiously. It was obvious that she had no idea.

  “Ha!” he said. He picked up her slim form and spun her around, kissing her soundly. “That settles that. You don’t know everything.” Chuckling with satisfaction, he set her down. “I’d better be on my way. Do you need supplies? Anything?

  “No, we have all that is necessary,” she replied. “We have a plot to the nearest Omni
corridor.” A little line formed between her brows. “Shall I find Ash, so you can meet him?”

  “No.” Larren rubbed his chin. “It’s too dangerous. I don’t want anyone to know about him, including my own crew. It’s not worth the risk — I don’t want anyone to know he’s on board.” He shook his head. “And I have stayed too long already.”

  Sartha frowned, worried.

  “The sooner you leave, the sooner I’ll visit you on Kalar.”

  She brightened. “All right, but Larren …” She paused. “I just want to thank you.” She tipped her head up, rose, and gave him a kiss. “To thank you for everything.”

  “Thank me? I should thank you.”

  Larren rested his forehead against hers for a moment, breathed in deeply and shut his eyes. When he pulled back they stood face to face, holding hands.

  “No, you don’t understand,” Sartha said. She turned her head away. “Before you came, I had no reason to continue. I planned to ensure that Ash was trained and safe, but I didn’t think I could live, not with the burden of my loss.” She looked down as if ashamed. “I don’t know that I would have done it. There were so many dreams — nightmares, really. I had become quite preoccupied with the idea. I was going to end my life as soon as my responsibilities were fulfilled.”

  Larren stared at her.

  Sartha raised her eyes to his. “You see, Linetta and I were much alike.” She nodded. “So, thank you.”

  Larren drew her to him, folding her in his arms. Delians were known to be a passionate race, subject to overwhelming emotions. He understood that, now. But suicide? At least he had been able to prevent that. He recalled their mind-touch together, the naked exposure of them both, heart and soul. This woman saw him, and knew him as no one had before, nor ever would again. He hugged her with sudden urgency, his voice deep. “I’m the one who now has a reason for living. I’ll get to Kalar. Nothing can stop me, I swear it. It’ll take five or six months at the most. Tell Ash I look forward to meeting him. And Sartha,” he said, “will you wait for me?”

  “I will wait,” she replied, her face grave. “But impatiently,” she added, with mischief in her eyes. They laughed again. Then, arm in arm, they strolled to the door of the room, not yet opening it.

  Larren hesitated. “I forgot,” he said. “My security officers!”

  With hands over their mouths, they chuckled like errant children.

  “Well,” he said, “we had better keep up the pretense.”

  “Of course, Larren.”

  “For the love of the Goddess — don’t call me Larren in front of my men.”

  She giggled and shook her head. He smiled broadly and snickered, too. When they were both composed, he opened the door. Standing straight backed, head high, the Captain gestured imperiously for Sartha to enter the room where his officers watched and waited. Captain Forseth was very much master of the situation.

  “Yes, Lady,” he began. “There is no doubt about it. The inspection has proved satisfactory. Most satisfactory.” He stressed the last few words.

  The Lady Sartha’s demeanor was demure and subdued, her head gracefully inclined. “I am pleased to have been of assistance.”

  “Goodbye then, Lady Sartha.”

  “Goodbye, Captain Forseth,” she said. “Gentlemen.” She nodded to his officers.

  The two men turned to follow their Captain. Sartha watched them leave. As one of the officers began to close the lock of Assurance she was just able to spot Larren peering through the open portal. He gave her a small grin, a conspiratorial wink, and then the door closed. He was gone.

  Sartha walked toward navigation, feeling a burst of hope for the future. Yes, Freeworlds Police Captain Larren Forseth is a capable man, she thought. She had seen every scar on his lean frame; they each told a story. The angry burn on his arm that he had tried to hide and that, unbelievably, he had been embarrassed by, as though he were ashamed of his own vulnerability. Placing little importance on vanity, he had never gotten around to cosmetically repairing any damage, although medical attention was freely available in the service. Fifteen years on the front lines and he had survived every encounter. He was indeed hard to kill.

  He would survive, and he would come to Kalar. She now felt quite certain of it.

  Malcolm Drake, Darla Wu’s pilot, sat at his console with an anxious frown. His features softened with relief as the Captain and his security officers re-boarded. Forsaken Worlds, he thought. Drake had spoken to Security via Icom, but they had been gone for hours.

  “Whatever took so long?” he blurted, then added, “Sir?”

  His Captain, clearly preoccupied, didn’t notice, continuing his even pace across the Bridge. “Oh, nothing. Routine ship inspection is all.”

  Drake glanced at Mathes, who rolled his eyes to the ceiling.

  Hmm. Drake considered. It was like that, was it? He shook his head. Lucky devil — and while on duty. Not like the Captain at all. The pilot thought back to the picture of Lady Sartha that was tucked away in his back pocket. He had had the computer do a holoshot of her. Quite the looker she was, too.

  Drake shifted, reaching for the picture of Lady Sartha. He had planned on getting an extrapolation of her naked. It would have been just the thing to cheer up the heterosexual half of Darla’s crew, hanging in the mess. Actually it would probably cheer up anyone of any sexual orientation, the woman was so striking. But now it wasn’t such a good idea.

  The pilot drew the picture from his pocket. Joining the captain on the bridge, he gave it to him. “For you, sir. Excuse me taking the liberty. Thought you might like it.”

  Larren took the picture, his pleasure obvious. “Thank you, pilot. Thank you very much.”

  With considerable difficulty Drake hid his shock. The Captain had fallen for the woman. For the love of lost worlds! She was Royal and she was married.

  “You’re welcome, sir,” the pilot shrugged, his voice prudently neutral.

  Larren put the holoshot in his breast pocket. “Prepare for departure, pilot. We’re good to go.”

  “Yes, sir,” Drake said, moving purposefully at the controls.

  “I’ll be in my quarters,” Larren said.

  Captain Larren Forseth walked down a corridor and into his room. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He wanted to think about her.

  He took the photo of the Lady Sartha from his breast pocket, and studied it, memorizing every part of her. It was a full frontal shot, and she was dressed formally, as a Queen. She was amazing. When he had time he would look though Icom for any other pictures of her, and of her husband and son. Larren felt a pang of sadness for Jarith, the dead king — he had been a good man. He also felt affection for her son, Ashton. These were Sartha’s memories and emotions, but they had combined and become an integral part of how he felt. It was so strange. After being in her mind, Jarith and Ashton felt like family to him now.

  From his quarters Larren could hear only the soft hum of power generation. He mentally toggled observation and a screen appeared, affording him a clear view of Assurance. He stopped and looked on as the two vessels separated, watching Assurance drift slowly apart from Darla Wu. He felt a sharp pang of anxiety, but thrust it away.

  Goodbye and good fortune to you both, Larren thought. Sartha and her son would be safe. He wouldn’t have left them otherwise.

  Walking to his bedroom console, Captain Forseth sat down and began to compose a message for HC, telling them of their new course, and the unsubstantiated report of Delian’s destruction. When the message was safely gone, along with Assurance, he would call his pilot to his quarters and confide in him. His best friend, Malcolm Drake, could keep a secret, though he wouldn’t mention Sartha’s son or their destination of Kalar to him. He wouldn’t mention that to anyone.

  Assurance engaged her engines, and was moving away faster now. Good. After speaking to Drake, he would notify the crew of the unverified report concerning Delian. Their mission now would be to execute standard reconnaissance of that Freeworl

  He sat back in his chair.

  Larren’s jaw clenched as he grimly considered a number of possibilities. Was there a conspiracy? If the Fleet was involved, this was a dangerous mission indeed. His stomach tightened. And if he was killed, who would help Sartha and her son?

  He would survive, he thought, pushing his fears away. He must.

  7. With Training Incomplete

  Mind-touch is a healing tool used to relieve the Dark Sankomin. To be in another Delian’s mind and body without agreement is illegal, proof of which may result in lawful death. There are possible exceptions in unusual and specific circumstances, or during training or special need. These instances must be cleared afterwards by council. To violate another’s privacy is sordid. It is never done.

  Chief Justice Stephen Bryan, The Interpretations

  Sartha stared anxiously out the observation window. They were too vulnerable. She would only relax once they entered Omni, where Conqueror could not find them.

  Assurance continued through the velvet black of normal space, carrying the Lady Sartha and her son toward the nearest Omni corridor. At least one good thing had occurred as a result of Assurance unintentionally leaving Omni Space — she had met Larren Forseth. While she would always know the loss of her people and her love, she was glad to have been healed by him from the soul-destroying despair of the Dark Sankomin. Sartha smiled at the thought of the police Captain, recalling his good-natured humor. Larren would arrive at Delian soon and his life could be in danger. May the Goddess protect you, Larren Forseth, she prayed. You who are not Trueborn but when with me can become so.

  With Larren’s future safely in the hands of Jana, Sartha noted Assurance’s position. They were making good time, despite an unexpected venture through an asteroid field. Ash would complete his training on Kalar. He would have the Testimonials memorized soon, and then he could read the Interpretations. With intensive practice and study, he could master Trueborn knowledge and duties over the next two years. They could protect each other then, healing themselves from the Dark Sankomin.